
Import vast amounts of data

Has your company already accumulated a large number of photos, graphics etc.? Whether you have stored this data on your own server or in other image databases, everything can be quickly and easily transferred to Asset Hoshi. Our migration tool does most of the work automatically. If you want to import data from different sources, you can use our individual migration service.

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Automatic migration: For a speedy start

Once Asset Hoshi is set up, it wants to be filled with content! The easiest way to do this is to use our migration tool. It speeds up the transfer of media files from your PCs and servers.

How it’s done:

  • Download and launch the migration tool for your operating system.
  • Select the folder on your computer where the photos you want to transfer are stored.
  • Specify:
    • Which photos you want to import – whether certain file formats or sizes.
    • The folder in which the photos will be stored.
    • Which tags to label the images with.
  • You can repeat this process for as many folders as you need.
  • Once all images are selected, you can begin the transfer.
  • Migration runs automatically in the background. If internet connection is lost, the tool will continue the transfer as soon as a connection is re-established.

Individual migration: For more complex requirements

Chances are your media files are spread all over the place: On your employees’ computers, on various in-house and external servers, in different databases and tools. This is where our migration service comes into play. We examine your situation and requirements, suggest a pragmatic migration path and, of course, take care of the implementation so that you can get started quickly.

Request individual migration now

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